November 19, 2013

Carl Bloch, Heinrich Hoffman, and Franz Schwartx


This man one of my two favorite painters:
He is Carl Bloch from Denmark, and a most exquisite painter.  Last night our whole family (save baby O) went to the BYU Museum of Art to view their newest exhibit, Sacred Gifts.  It was phenomenal.  I already was moved and inspired by religious art, but this brought new depth to that appreciation, and renewed faith in a lot of ways.
What is incredible about this exhibit, apart from the works themselves, is that the Fredriksborg Castle actually removed several of their greatest paintings from their walls to loan them to BYU.  This has never happened, and as it says by the curator of that castle, probably never will again.  the Fredriksborg Castle is home to many (like more than 20, people!).
These paintings in particular were inspiring:

In the photo, it almost looks sepia toned, or even black and white, but in person it is warm, and uses real flesh tones, and muted colors.  The impressionable part for me was that i never realized before that it is because the day is dawning!  If you go, you will notice that the sun is touching the top 2 thirds of the subjects in the painting.  The bottom is almost colorless (except for the glowing red embers on the ground) up to that point.  It is so symbolic.  Another thing I loved: the tomb door that the Lord is stepping on broke the spear lying on the ground, next to the soldier's helmet.  For me it is hopeful that peace will come through the Savior, for all the world, especially for nations hurt by war and violence.

Finally, I have to mention this guy;  Franz Schwartx.  I'm spelling it that way because that's what his signature on the paintings looked like.  It's Schwartz.

He painted this beauty:
 I adored this piece and the expression on the savior's face.  It is an altar piece on loan, and the church that lent it left the place on the wall bare, to remind them that 'their angel' is away but will return.  It is very moving, to say the least.

I highly recommend that you go!  Our kids even enjoyed it, and our oldest is only 7.  It's amazing how much kids understand.
I'm so grateful to those who made the exhibit possible!  Thank you!

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