April 11, 2014

How to take care of yourself when you're sick with 4 kids

 This post is as much for you as it is for me.  I sit here with a raging flu, vowing to prepare for the next time that I am sick, and to remember a few pointers that will make it not so rocky in the future. Although I am  not single, and I usually have a large support group, my husband and I happen to be riding the flu wave together, (just after we got all of our kids healthy) and He (though lovely and amazing) is totally useless right now.  He may be worse off than me.  Either way, our family isn't around, and our 4 kids still need help.  So this is what I want to remember:

 Prepare for sickness - Pretty hardy?  Me too.  But you WILL eventually get sick.  Especially if you have young kids, who will bring it home to you.

Keep these things on hand:

1. Medicine  It doesn't matter which brand as much as it matters that it's on hand and not expired.  I opened my Medicine closet to find a wide selection of 2 and 3 year old medicines to choose from.  Joy.

Ideas for flu: anti-diahrrehal liquid, Pepto, some kind of warming liquid flu medicine, or your basic home remedies like naseua reducers
Ideas for cold: saline spray, humidifier, throat spray or lozenges, mucus reducer, some kind of symptom reducer, like a decongestant, etc. Any home remedies you like.  I prefer honey lemon tea.

2. Rice Bag
When you get sick your extremeties tend to get cold (probably because you're not up on your feet getting the circulation you otherwise would).  It is soothing to put a warmed up rice bag or heat pack on your cold feet.  Also, if you're struggling with nausea, throw it in the freezer for a while, then put it on your chest.  (Learned that from the Red Cross).

3. A liter or 2 of Coke.  I suppose Sprite, 7-up and gingerale also work, but when I get the flu, the Coke seems to calm my stomach best.  Even gatorade can help if you sip it in small doses very often (every 15 min.  Thanks to the Pede for that one)  Stay hydrated!

4. Quick easy food. For you and for your brood.  You'll need saltines and broth, but they'll need easily put together sustaining food.  Keep Mac n Cheese on hand and teach your oldest kid how to prepare it.  My kiddos know how to microwave top ramen, and cook an egg.  That's about it, so you can guess what they ate for dinner.  Good enough.  If you find that dry cereal is all they can safely prepare, it's totally fine for the day. I have a baby who just learned to feed himself.  He was happy with yogurt and a torn up slice of bread (no comments on nutrition for that one).

5. A quick call list of reliable parents from your kids' classes.  It's probably going to take you right up until 20 minutes before go time to decide that you really can't take them to school (and risk being away from the toilet?  No way!) and now you have no other options.  Get to know the other moms in your kids' classes (at Open Houses, parnet teacher night, and volunteering) and ask if they'd be willing to let you text them if you ever need something related to school.  I've used this list to ask about times for field trips, homework that my kids have missed, and deadlines for class projects.  Chances are that they are willing to help you out for a few days in getting your kids to and from school.  Offer to do the same for them, or bring them a thank you gift later.

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